Knowing where to focus: Our plates our full. How are we going to add global collaboration to our to-do-list
How do we tackle problems: Find a few vital behaviors and change them; everything else falls in line.
Kaizen = Japanese Slow,Steady, Improvement
Pick your big 3 from this conference. What will start doing immediately. Monday!
Influencing deep beliefs
- NOT Lectures
- NOT Personal Action
- Yes, Vicarious Experience (watch someone you trust doing something you fear or resist)
What is a Flat Classroom?
- Thomas Friedman The World is Flat
- The project evolved out of real teacher connections - not strategizing
Eracism Project - Voicethread debate
Digiteen Project - Digital citizenship project
10 World Flatteners - outsourcing, technology, etc.
Marzano - Ideal group setting (3 students) but the flat classroom project uses 6 person groups
- using time differences and scheduling variance to reduce negative impact of 6 person groups
Showing a rubric for student produced video
- All students must produce their own Video (producer)
- The outsource part of their production (partner)
- collaboration sometimes breaks down but learning still occurs
Education is still stuck in the silent movie era
Showing examples of student video work; students as video currators pulling in authentic global voices.
Worst problem with online writing is verbal "diareah"
- Importance of being conscise
- Using Contextual Hyperlinking
- Not Social Networking: Educational Networking
- Online presentation skills using webex, dimdim, Adobe Connect
- Using one jpeg image and online presentation to summarize project
Five Phases of Flattening your Classroom - see presentation diagram
- High expectations
- Intra connected (classroom)
- Inter connected (classes - school)
- Managed global
- Student to Student (with teacher management)
- Student to Student (with student management)
There are finite # of International Schools
- Who ever builds those relationships first . . .
- Use connections to friends over seas
7 Principles
- Peer review is crucial
- Diversity
- Personal Learning Networks (RSS is huge, tagging #WHS)
- Citizenship and Problem Solving (effective techno personal skills)Teacherpreneur's Environment
- Customized and Differentiated
- Online existence (answer your e-mails, communicate)
- Digital Citizenship is required to be taught if you receive e-rate funds
- IT improvements
- All stakeholders working together