Friday, October 4, 2013

QR Code Make n' Take Professional Development Workshop #mpsedtech

This week I offered two face-to-face PD workshops focussed on using QR Codes in the Classroom. One of my main goals was to ensure that everyone left the session with a QR code that could be used immediately with students to help meet a learning outcome in their classroom. 

Here are the learning targets I set for this workshop.

  1. Know and understand what a QR code is, how to scan a QR code, and how QR codes are being used in education.
  2. Evaluate examples of how QR codes are being used in education to determine a classroom use specific to your classroom and record this as a goal.
  3. Create a QR Code that targets a specific classroom outcome and implement with students.

And here is a link to the Agenda and support resources I used.