Friday, May 28, 2010

Tweeks! for the week of May 22-28 #ff

All is quiet on the Twitter front it seems.  Nevertheless, I did favorite a few tweets that are worth mentioning.

Google gravity isn't exactly what you would call "useful", but I could imagine using this to wake up an audience in the middle of a presentation.  A nice conversation starter perhaps.

I've also been researching alternative and progressive assessment methods and enjoyed the Edutopia article shared by @valerieturpin.

I'm super excited to be heading to ISTE2010 at the end of June.  If you are going, check out the tweet-up link below.

Finally, I'm always interested in the abundance of free learning resources offered by University's and individuals.  Check out the open courseware links for Yale and UC Berkeley.  

  1.  Alec Couroscourosa 
    Google Gravity
  2. Kit Hardkithard 
    RT @valerieturpin: Guest Blog: Reinventing Assessment for the 21st-Century | Edutopia: Good Stuff!
  3. sean lancasterseanjcl 
    just found better (well, more aesthetically pleasing form) tweetup for #iste10 i'll attend instead:
  4. Will Richardsonwillrich45 
    Watching: "Sal Khan at Gel 2010 on Vimeo" All about Khan Academy. Good stuff.
  5. Eric SheningerNMHS_Principal 
    UC Berkeley open courseware
  6. Eric SheningerNMHS_Principal 
    Open Yale Courses