Friday, April 23, 2010

Tweeks! A Week's Worth of #edtech Twitter Links #ff

I'm not sure if I've coined a phrase here or not, but I would like to share what I  am calling Tweeks, a week's worth of twitter links which I chose to favorite.  It is also a way of participating in the Follow Friday hashtag #FF. If you know of a Twitter App out there that captures your favorite Tweets for sharing purposes please share in the comments section below. Or feel free to share your Tweeks!

Here are my Tweeks for the week of April 17th - 23rd.

  1. lkolb  Easy online set up or downloading
  2. Joe Bowerjoe_bower  Check out this Prezi on Math! I was actually excited about math... and that's odd cuz school taught me to hate math
  3. Kalimah Priforcekapriforce  Complete video footage of today's #140conf, broken down by panel. Awesome stuff: #edchat
  4. JackieGerstein Ed.D.jackiegerstein  iPod touch: Mobile Solutions for Special Needs Students (Slideshare)
  5.  Alec Couroscourosa  Was finally able to see @ddmeyer 's #TEDxNYED prez. All math teachers should watch this. Sending to my mathed faculty.
  6. Michael Kaecheleconcretekax  @lkolb Thanks I found one if you want to know-enjoyed your 1st session at MACUL BTW
  7. Shelly S TerrellShellTerrell  A Must Bookmark! Teaching with Ted Wiki #elearning #besig
  8. John Sowashjrsowash  Nice job description for an instructional technology specialist
  9. Ben Wilkoffbhwilkoff  New Learning is Change blog entry: Create your own real-time SMS to Twitter service!
  10.  Alec Couroscourosa  Lots of people now collaborating on the "Alternatives to Ning" document here: